Esperans Events

The HOPE CRUSADE is the quintessential event of the year representing the soul and heartbeat of Radio Esperans. Held in the beautiful Metro Atlanta region, this event gathers Christians from all over the world into an atmosphere of worship, an explosion of praise, a week-long celebration of the goodness of God. Services are held every night and soul-saving sermons are delivered reminiscent of the great Rev. Billy Graham and others. The Hope Crusade offers tremendous opportunities for spiritual nourishment, growth, and fellowship. We encourage everyone to attend!

If you love Haiti and you love God, then the ESPERANS FLAG DAY CELEBRATION is a must! May 18th is forever etched in our history as the date that commemorates the creation of our flag in 1803. We celebrate it with pride, gratitude, and hope. This event is highly spiritual, emotional, and informative. It causes us to reflect on the greatness of our country and on the resilience of a people still waiting for a great day. Our Flag Day Celebration is held in Atlanta and is a sight for sore eyes. It is an uplifting experience where we lose ourselves in a sea of red and blue and truly live out, if only for a moment, the ideals of our motto: “L’union Fait La Force!”

CITYWIDE FASTING SERVICE—Although Radio Esperans reaches the far corners of the earth, we enjoy physically interacting with our listeners. On the radio, we function very much like a family—and as a family, we enjoy each other’s company and we love to pray together. Throughout the year and in 5 different cities, Radio Esperans unites family members in prayer and fasting. The Citywide Fasting Services are held in Atlanta in February, New Jersey in April, Boston in June, New York in August, and in Orlando, we close out the year with a huge celebration of thanksgiving in November. During those events, we are strengthened spiritually and souls who come to Christ are ministered to and left to the proper care of the local churches. Beyond the spiritual aspect, this is also a huge family reunion where many first introductions are made and where old-time friends are always happy to see and hug each other.
We have our own World Cup event and it is called the ESPERANS MARATHON. We are listener-supported: All the great work we accomplish is due to the generosity of our listeners (both financially and physically as volunteers). Every Spring we hold a marathon for a period of one month, where our State frequencies compete in raising funds. Those funds help us to stay afloat for the rest of the year. The marathon is conducted in a very lively and exciting manner. It is humor-filled and follows the style of a great soccer tournament. With our annual marathon, giving has never been so fun, giving has never felt so good!

Everyone loves Radio Esperans and our ANNIVERSARY is, indeed, worthy of noting. This annual banquet brings together friends, show hosts, supporters, and listeners under one roof in an outpouring of love for the ministry and the faithfulness of God. People wanted to know what to give as a gift, so we made it official. During this time, supporters from all over the world either send in or bring in their gift: A thirty-dollar donation! Every year we meet to thank God and to celebrate our success in delivering the Gospel, uncompromised, to a world in great need.