Rev. Jean Deltho Celin
Daily Prayer: Noon
Esperans en Gaite
Mon & Wed: 9P-10:30P
Pastor D leads the pack in hosting a variety of excellent programs designed to entertain, instruct, motivate, inform, and challenge. You have not laughed until you have heard Esperans en Gaite and spent time playing with the Esperans Family. Praying with Pr D every morning, noon and midnight sends your soul soaring to the greatest of heights. In Bible Study, you are transported to the world of the characters for vivid insight and understanding. From exclusive interviews to community updates, to weekly personal calls, to savoir vivre segments and, to midnight lullabies--24 hours a day, the reassuring leadership and voice of Pastor D bring undeniable strength and much needed hope to Esperans listeners.

Rev. Jean Billy Beaufils
Libre Tribune
Fri & Sun: 9P - 11:00P
In a fast-moving world of advancing technologies, political, social, and economic globalization, what is a Christian to do? Where does the Bible fit in modern society? Libre Tribune encourages, even pushes the listener to think rationally while maintaining an unwavering stand on Biblical laws and principles.

Marie Lourdes Saint-Gilles La Sante Se Lavi
Tue: 7:30P-: 8:00P
Wed: 7:30A - 8:00 A
Your body is the temple of God, a living sacrifice! Therefore, you should take great care to keep it functioning at maximum efficiency. To do that, you need good health practices and solid prevention techniques. Tune in regularly for sound advice and great information.

Rev. J. Gilles Theodore
Et Romy Theodore
Famille en Dialogue
Tue: 9P-11P & Sat: 8A-10A
Our greatest blessing on this planet is our family. God knows it, we know it, but so does the enemy. Our families are under attack and marriages are threatened like never before—But, there is hope! Follow this amazing show to receive first-hand, Christian guidance and perspectives on keeping your family intact.

Daphnee Hyppolite
Youth Connection
Tue: 8A-9A & Fri: 7P-8P
The voice of our youth is loud and clear at Radio Esperans. Join them weekly for up-to-date perspectives on issues related to work, school, home, and relationships. Listen for deep, personal testimonies that will bless and inspire you. This program is informative for young people and adults alike.

Akable Blanc
Ambiance Spirituelle
Sat: 10P-11:30P
Saturday nights are never boring on Radio Esperans. Experience the uplifting and melodic beauty of great music as you delight in the all-encompassing love of God. After a busy day or week, this show embraces you, fills you up and helps you appreciate the lighter side of life.

Loopjims Marcius
Saw Pa Konnen Pi Gran Pasew
Mon: 8P - 9P
Radio Esperans takes a holistic approach in serving the needs of listeners. Beyond the spiritual, other blocks are necessary to build and maintain a balanced life. Listen to this show for all information related to law, immigration, tax, credit, finances, and other professional services. Always honest, always from a Christian perspective!

Ansy Joseph
Tue & Thu: 6P - 7:30P
Breaking news, political discourse, competing viewpoints, social implications… This show is a fast-paced exchange of ideas, a thorough analysis of potential consequences and repercussions. You do not want to miss biblical perspectives on current events and issues that impact our daily lives.

Peterson Saint Fleur
Ambiance Chetienne Sun: 3-5P Thu: 9-11P
Continue the worship on Sunday afternoons with a happy dose of Ambiance Chretienne. This show offers great music, entertainment, and general advice on a variety of subjects. Great fun and excitement are guaranteed to lift your spirits and of course, Pa Janm Panse Lage!

Maryse Nelson
Plus Haut Plus loin
Thu: 8P-9P
Sat: 7A-8A
Feeling a bit discouraged, confused, not sure where to turn? Radio Esperans has the answer for you: Plus Haut, Plus Loin. Do not miss your weekly dose of motivation and inspiration. Yes, you can do it, yes, great things are possible! Wonderful blessings are waiting for you. Tune in and find out how to reach for them.

Rev. Luc Valmont
Horizon Plus
Sun: 7A - 9A
Get a head start on your Sunday worship with Pastor Valmont and the gang. This show is chock full of everything you need to get you ready for morning service and a great week. Excellent music, Sunday School, great advice, and encouragement are all ingredients of this marvelous, morning manna for the soul.
Tamara Noel
Koze Anba Tonel
Sun: 5P-6P

What do you consider to be taboo? Is there anything in life you feel a little uncomfortable discussing? Well this show takes you to a safe place (Anba Tonel La) where you can clear your head, speak your mind, get some good relief and learn solid coping methods to enable you to proceed with your life.

Jean Michael Gedeon
Detente Spirituelle
Mon-Wed-Fri: 7P-8P
Haiti is forever in our hearts and on our minds. Broadcasting directly from our studio in Port-au-Prince, this show is an authentic blend of the rich sound and culture of our mainland. Brother Gedeon is a magnificent artist who skillfully and subtly fastens Haiti to America in a seamless tapestry of praise and worship to our God.

Rev. Jovenel Paul
L'heure Evangelique
Sun: 9A-10A
This extraordinary show is like storytelling under a moonlit sky from a seasoned, caring, honest and experienced, radio personality. Here, the Word of God is delivered raw and unapologetically but with so much love and desire to move the listener to a higher dimension of being and understanding.

Rev. Joel Desir
Open Forum
Wed & Fri: 6P-7P
Christian Apologetics: A branch of theology that defends Christianity against objections. This is a show for every believer who wants to learn to defend the Bible as the infallible Word of God. Tune in for a breadth of sound arguments and evidence that establish the existence of our real and all-powerful God.

Eli Milhomme
Natif Natal
Sat: 4:30P - 6:00P
With Natif Natal, Saturday afternoons on Radio Esperans carry the sweet nostalgic beat of our Haiti Cherie. We praise God and enjoy each other’s company. We sway to lively, Caribbean rhythms while reliving our best island memories. This show reminds us to be proud of who we are and to thank God every step of the way.